
Wine Wednesday: La Crema Pinot Noir


Today's wine is La Crema Pinot Noir, which is a wine I'd heard a lot about and tried several times to order without success. I did finally get a chance to try it, and here are my thoughts on it.

First of all, I ordered it at a steak restaurant and had very little expectation of anything due to the fact that when I asked our server what wines they had she told me, "We have red and white." Yeah, not quite what I meant. 

For the record, while I don't consider myself a wine snob, I can kind of see why some people might think otherwise. 

Eventually, I was able to get a partial list of wines and ordered the La Crema. The color is garnet. The wine had good legs. There was a lot of dark fruit on the nose. It's a dry wine with soft tannins and a slight oakiness--this is a textbook Pinot Noir. The predominant flavor notes are raspberry and something herbacious...rosemary, perhaps?

Very drinkable and, if you enjoy Pinot Noir, give it a try. I suffer from Reverse Sideways-effect Syndrome, meaning I have a chip on my shoulder when it comes to Pinot and tend to avoid it. 

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