
Wine Wednesday: Arrington Vineyards, Part 4

 Today's wine is Arrington Vineyard's Red Fox Red, which seems like a somewhat redundant name, but maybe that's just me. 

This wine has a beautiful garnet color, which set it apart from last week's wine. Very pronounced cherry scent on the nose (along with a bit of tobacco). I was a little concerned it would also taste like cherry coke, but nope. While it has loads of tart, cherry flavor (and a slight taste of oak) this wine is more like cherry juice than cherry coke. 

The tasting notes mention black tea, which I can see and baking spices, which I don't recall at all. 

This is not a particularly heavy wine, and while it's very fruit forward, loaded with cherry and berry flavors, it's not sweet. I think this would make a great brunch wine, which is odd because I rarely think of red wine in conjunction with brunch. I would pair it with things like goat cheese or smoked salmon. The vineyard's notes suggest pairing it with tomato based dishes like spaghetti and meatballs and/or marinara sauce. I think their idea of Italian dishes is very different from my own, so I would NOT be doing that.

This concludes the Arrington series. If you want to see more like this, let me know in the comments. Although, just so you know, I definitely plan on doing more regardless. Sorry, not sorry. Love visiting new wineries.

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