
Musical Monday: Last thing On My Mind Patty Loveless


This is an oldie that I listened to a lot while I was living in Paso Robles and writing the Oberon series.  We actually saw Patty Loveless in concert at the Mid State Fair, as well, which really cemented this song (and others) in my head as Oberon songs. 

I love the lyrics and the ironical way the title phrase, "He's the last thing on my mind," is used to mean two entirely different things. 

Here's an excerpt from A Taste of Honey that I feel is a good fit to this.

It was the relentless echo of his blood pounding against the surprisingly tender bones of his skull that woke Dan, very early the next morning.  His eyeballs felt parched, and even his tongue felt as though it had been pickled in brine.  But it was the realization that he was alone, that Lucy’s side of the bed was empty and cold, that got him to his feet.  She hadn’t come to bed?

In sixteen years of marriage, she’d never done that before.  Neither of them had.  No matter what, they had always at least gone to bed together.  Even when they’d been too rigid with anger to sleep, and had each clung to their opposite sides of the mattress, as tenaciously as shipwrecked mariners might cling to their only landfall.  More often than not, by morning they’d both have tumbled down into the soft trough in the middle of the bed.They’d awaken with their limbs tangled together, and reach for each other; eager to forget about whatever had come between them the night before, eager to merge and reconnect and rediscover one another.

So often, obstacles which seemed unyielding as icebergs in the night, appeared as insubstantial as a cold mist the following day.  Not this morning, though.  This morning, it felt as though the iceberg he’d smacked up against last night had maybe cracked his skull in two.

A Taste Of Honey

Oberon Book 4.0

For Lucy Greco Cavanaugh, life is a dream come true.  She has it all. The perfect family. The perfect husband. The perfect marriage. What more could she wish for?  Other than the chance to do it all again. To experience once more the agony and ecstasy of falling in love with the man of her dreams. To recapture the joy and uncertainty that comes with starting over.

As far as Dan Cavanaugh is concerned, his life has become a nightmare. His storybook marriage is on the line when Deirdre Shelton-Cooper, the runaway daughter of a former girlfriend arrives in Oberon intent on proving Dan is her father. Even though he's convinced the girl's claims are false, Dan decides his only chance to keep from losing everything lies in keeping her very existence a secret from his wife and family.


But, sometimes, what you don't know can hurt you--and those you love. When Deirdre, masquerading as a surfer girl named Monica, accidentally hooks up with their son, Seth, Lucy and Dan are left to wonder: has their perfect, fairy-tale romance, turned into a classic Greek tragedy?


Sometimes you get exactly what you wish for.  And it's more than you'd ever dreamed.


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