
Romance Writers Weekly ~ Advice ~ #LoveChatWrite

 This week, on the Romance Writers Weekly blog hop, we're asked "What advice would you give yourself when you first started writing?"

That's an interesting question. I think I'd tell my younger self to not take just any contract I was offered. To try and find balance between writing and life, but also writing and marketing. To maybe not try to write in a gazillion sub-genres at once. And definitely to try always stay passionate about the process.

Also to try to always stay ahead of deadlines. Because doing anything else just sucks!

Now, hop on over to Brenda Margriet's page to learn what advice she'd give her younger self. And don't forget to check out her books on Kobo! Just go to https://www.kobo.com and search Brenda Margriet!

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Love and Espresso


This collection features meet-cutes that take place in a bookstore/coffee shop. The heroines are looking for their HEA but never expected it to happen while picking up a cup of coffee or picking out their next book boyfriend.

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