
Romance Writers Weekly ! Plotter or Pantser? ~ #LoveChatWrite

 This week, on the Romance Writers Weekly blog hop, we're asked "Plotter or pantser and why?"

Total no brainer. I'm TeamPlotter all the way! It can be difficult when you have looming deadlines and haven't yet nailed down all your book's details. And I have occasionally had to jump in and just Pants my way through a book. It's never pretty and usually results in my having to re-write huge portions of it anyway.

Plotting ahead of time makes for easier writing. If you know where you're going, you're less likely to get lost. You're also less likely to waste time wandering down dead ends.

In my most recent WIP I spent an enormous amount of time going back and changing things I'd already written because they contradicted the brainstorms I kept getting while I pantsed my way through the second half of the book.

It turned out fine, in the end, but it was super stressful.

Now, hop on over to  Jill Haymaker's page And find out what she has to say.  And don't forget to check out her book, Rise Up to Love.

Rise up to Love

What if your past catches up with you just when you’re starting a new life? Sometimes the person who is hardest to forgive is yourself. A story of family, redemption, and love.

Games We Play Series Two:
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