
Romance Writers Weekly ~ Inspiration ~ #LoveChatWrite

 This week, on the Romance Writers Weekly blog hop, we're asked, "What inspired your most recent book?"

See, that's a tricky question. My most recent release was A Taste of Honey, but I wrote that a long time ago. I remember what inspired the Oberon series as a whole--it was the first line of Book One, "Scout Patterson had been running away from home for twenty years." which popped into my head one Sunday afternoon. But A Taste of Honey? I'm not really sure.

I mean...I'd decided I wanted each title to mention one of the five senses--and then I went on from there. So, there was that. 

I knew I had to have the hero do something terrible enough that the heroine would need time away from him to come to terms with it...but not so terrible that it couldn't be forgiven. Lucy couldn't have forgiven Dan's cheating on her while they were together, and there's no way that I could have made Dan cheat on her anyway. Really, those are the two most stubborn, willful characters I've ever written. I couldn't make them do ANYTHING they didn't want to do, including wait their turn. I had to write their book out of order because they wouldn't let me do anything else. But I guess that's more explanation than inspiration. 

I based Lucy's honey business after Marshall's Farm in American Canyon, CA. And I based the beach hangout on a combination of places, including the beach behind Sea Breeze Market and Deli in Berkeley, AND the Marin Headlands Recreation Area. The cabin in the woods is based on one that used to house a Bird Rescue in Berkeley's Aquatic Park, but I think that's gone now.

Anyway, that's about it.

Now, hop on over to Brenda Margriet's page  to learn what inspired her most recent book. And don't forget to check out the Silverberry Seduction Seasoned Romance Series

Start the Silverberry Seduction Seasoned Romance Series for free!

Two long-time friends…one impulsive seduction…zero percent chance their lives will ever be the same again.

The peace Helen Mansfield struggled to achieve after the death of her husband is threatened when she discovers a lump in her breast. Determined to keep the alarming news to herself until the biopsy results are revealed, she sets out to wring every drop of delight from her days.

Nathan Spieth stood by his wife while she fought and ultimately lost her battle with cancer. Since then, he's devoted his energy to rebuilding the career that he neglected during her final years, and all his hard work is about to pay off.

​As neighbours and friends, Helen and Nathan's lives have been woven together for more than twenty years. One impetuous, impassioned night might destroy everything they share—or prove to this fiercely independent woman and determinedly solitary man that love is always worth the risk.

(Helen and Nathan both 55)


Oberon Book 1:
Scent of the Roses

For years, Scout Patterson has tried to run from the mistakes in her past.  Now, she's coming home—to face the ghosts she's never laid to rest, and the love she thought she'd lost forever.  Reawakening that love would be a dream come true.  Unfortunately, love is not the only emotion that can last forever. 

Memories and dreams are the only things that have gotten Nick Greco through the past twenty years.  Memories of the girl he loved and lost, and dreams of what his life would be like, if he could only find her again.   And if he can bring himself to believe that anything she tells him is true.

Can the star-crossed lovers put aside the hurt and distrust they still harbor toward each other? Or will the evil which already nearly destroyed them once, triumph yet again?

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