
12 Days of Yule: Day Two


Welcome to Day Two of the 12 Days of Yule! Today's book is IRON, the first Celtic Romance I ever wrote. 

Here's the download link:


IRON  had it's genesis in a question I was asked during an online chat many years ago. The question was what was the strangest H/H pairing I could imagine. The idea of one of the immortal Fae--someone who can't stand the touch of iron--falling for a human blacksmith sprung immediately to mind. The idea of setting it in Nineteenth Century Ireland came about because my Irish grandfather actually was a blacksmith in Tipperary. I never knew him, but I grew up with my grandmother and her voice was in my head the entire time I wrote this book. 

The first editor I showed it to wanted to turn it into a Sword and Sorcery type of tale, but that's not what this story is. It's angsty and quiet. It's really all about Gavin, my wounded hero. And, yes, I suppose it is a cautionary tale--about how one's life can be changed, usually not for the better, when dealing with the Fae. But it's also a story about the transformative power of love. 

It's a fairy tale, really.  Only sexier, and with a happier ending than most of those have. Which is to say, I think it has a happy ending, but YMMV!

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