
Thankful Thursday post for January 11, 2024

 One of the things I'm most thankful for today is my new(ish) computer. I was finally able to update some of the programs that have been glitching for the past few years and it's DELIGHTFUL. Especially the WORD program. It's SUCH a relief not to have to stop every couple of words and remove the extra letters that the program was randomly throwing into every sentence. 

It was also nice to be able to let my old and new computer handle the transfer of files from one computer to the other all on their own. 

I COULD wish that it hadn't taken ALL WEEKEND for that to happen, but it's all good. And I have a cool, new Sonoma screensaver now, so that's another plus.

It was my son and DIL's anniversary yesterday. I'm thankful for them--and the fact that they produced my wonderful grandson. 

I'm thankful for the weird Texas weather. It's supposed to get pretty cold here in the next few days, but then it's supposed to warm up again. Which, like I said: weird. But, hey, it's better than weeks of cold weather. So, no complaints here. 

And speaking of cold weather, I'm thankful that it's January because there are so many freebies and health challenges and other start-the-new-year-off-right events going on. Not that I'm attending most of them, but I COULD!

Mostly today, I'm thankful that I have a little bit of time free in which to WRITE. I've been neglecting my WIPs shamefully and I REALLY need to get on that, STAT.

So...that's it for now. See you next week!

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