
Romance Writers Weekly ~ Season ~ #LoveChatWrite

 This week, on the Romance Writers Weekly blog hop, we're asked, "What season inspires your writing the most and why?"

This is tough. Because I find all the seasons inspirational. But I suppose I'll have to go with the holiday season, because I do love writing holiday-themed stories. I'm actually planning to release one new (or newish) story each Sunday this December.
You can find more details here: https://www.pgforte.com/only-for-the-holidays

I think what I find inspirational is all the infinite variations on similar themes. Plus, an element of magic is almost expected, and since I like to add that into even my most contemporary books, that's very much in my wheel house! 

I also like the challenge of including as many of the traditional holiday romcom "elements" as I can in my books. In last year's release, Christmas Angel I even included a checklist. You can find that HERE

Now, hop on over to Jill Haymaker's page to learn what season inspires her. And don't forget to check out her book, Colorado Golden Sunset.

Colorado Golden Sunset

There’s no better place to fall in love than the Colorado mountains in autumn. When Kelly Charm relocates to the small mountain town of Peakview with her son, the last thing on her mind is romance. That is until Handsome EMT, Jake Midnight shows up. Can the weeks leading up to Christmas also lead to love?


The Spirit of the Place

Oberon Book 6


The Spirit of the Place

Oberon Book 6.0

'Tis the season to be jolly, but Jasmine Quinn is far from happy about her mother's  latest folly: her upcoming wedding to former Wall Street financier, Sam Sterling.  Jasmine doesn't like her future stepfather, or his values.  Anybody with as much money as Sam, should be spreading it around, aiding worthy causes, making it count for something.  Instead, he seems intent on using his wealth to embarrass her mother by throwing a ridiculously lavish wedding.  But there's one thing about Sam that Jasmine can't help but admire, no matter how much she'd like to--the graduate student he's hired as an intern.

 Brandon Ablemarle is also finding it hard to get into the holiday spirit.  Especially since his dream job has just become a nightmare, thanks in part to the fiery redhead with some of the goofiest ideas he's ever heard of.  But what else can you expect from the daughter of a self-proclaimed psychic?   Marsha Quinn has a lot to answer for.  Not only has she encouraged her daughter's esoteric craziness, she's also turned one of the most brilliant stock analysts Wall Street had ever seen into a nutcase as well.  One who actually appears to believe that the answers to the stock market can be found in the stars!


 It's a clash of ideologies when Jasmine and Brandon get together.  Can the spirit of the season, and the spirit of the place help them to see beyond their differences?

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