
Vote for Old Sins, Long Shadows

Old Sins, Long Shadows received a verrrry nice review this week at Whipped Cream Reviews (AND a "Best Book" rating--I'm still grinning over that!) which means it's eligible for this week's "Book of the Week" honor.

You can find the review HERE. And, if you feel so inclined, voting is on the Whipped Cream home page, HERE.

I usually don't quite believe it when people say it's enough of an honor just being nominated (I know, I'm very cynical that way!) but in this case, it might be true. (Best Book--squeeee!)

However, winning would be really nice too, don't you think?


Drmgrl99 - Dawn said...

Woo Hoo! I voted and you know I LOVE this series :)

PG Forte said...

Thanks, sweetie!