Hello, blog hoppers and welcome to stop #12 on our tour!
If any of you have wandered in here accidentally and are wondering how to get back to the start, it's simple. Just click on the banner at the top of this post and you'll be taken back to the beginning.
If previous tours are anything to go by, you're in for a lot of fun this weekend. There'll be gorgeous eye candy to entertain you along the way and lively chats and fabulous prizes awaiting you at the finish.
In keeping with the Labor Day theme, I've selected a few hard-working specimens for your approval.
Hard working men come in many different forms...and, yeah, I know, no one worked harder than James Brown..
Some men do work that's extremely demanding in a physical sense.
Others, not so much...
Some get paid for the work they do...
Others...well, let's just say their work is more of a labor of love.
What? You don't think he loves his car?
Finally, I'll leave you with a commercial...just because.
Have fun on the rest of your tour and don't forget our chats (7PM Friday, 5 PM Saturday, Noon on Sunday and 7 PM Monday--all times Easatern) at http://www.gemsivad.com/chat/
And if you're looking for more fun this holiday weekend, check out the Nine Naughty Novelists for a sneak peek at our hilarious upcoming serial, which debuts September 9th.
Theirs was a love nature never intended. Bigger than Texas. Hotter than Hades. Weirder than...a lot of other stuff you might have read...
Thanks for the morning goodies, PG! I'll have lovely lovely dreams during my nap now!
So many lovely muscles. Thanks for the eye candy, Have a great weekend!
Nice pics, thank you very much.
I like Mr. White Shirt/Dark Suit..yummy.
Thanks for the blog tour.
Tracey D
Goodness gracious...my car is filthy...HELP! I spent a lot of time trying to see what kind of car it was!! *shameful grin*
What exactly is he washing that car with?? Why doesn't he turn around so I can see?? Awesome pix, my oh my oh my.
Great pics. Love the white shirt and black jacket.
I like the man with the rope. He's got his own rope to be tied up with.
I like the guy in the bibs and the cowboy...
Hey I have three cars that need a good washing. Do you think he'd like to come over and give me a 'hand' with them?
Great eye candy. He may love his car but I love his thighs.
Carol L.
I want a hood ornament like that on my car!
I love the commercial but I don't remember it.
Thanks for the hot pics! That businessman there? Me like much!
wellmaybe he loves his car a little too much heheheh
LOL! These guys can help me around the house any time! ;) Thanks, PG!
f dot chen at comcast dot net
the commercial made me laugh ... thanks for the eye candy and the giggle.
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