
Musical Monday: Not Ready to Make Nice (The Chicks)

Well, it's Thanksgiving in the US this week, which means many of us will be seeing extended family for the first time since the election. And won't that be fun? I was really hopeful that we'd be able to move on, but I guess not. The losers are feeling raw and bereft. The winners are...angry? Threatening? Un-fucking-hinged? 

Beats the hell out of me. My filters are gone again, and I'm afraid I don't really care. So this song is going out to the half of this very divided nation that's not being hateful--because hateful people suck. Also, since I truly believe that "A nation divided against itself cannot stand," I figure we're in for a rocky ride these next few years. So, let's all take a moment to be grateful for the fact that we're still standing...if not for long. Let's take a deep breath, because I'm sure we'll all need it. And, I don't know...have a nice meal?

By the way, that divided nation quote either originated with Lincoln, or with Sam Houston. Take your pick. Considering I'm currently living in Texas, I should probably be giving Home Boy the credit.  

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