
Holiday Rush Blog Hop

Merry Christmas Glitter Graphics - Glitterlive.com
Happy Holidays, Blog-Hoppers,
and welcome to another great tour! 

I'm sure most of you know the drill by now. Simply use he bar at the top of the page, follow the trail all the way to the end of the tour (visiting lots of fabulous sites and getting lots of eye candy on the way) and you'll be entered to win a sleigh-full of really cool books and other fun prizes. 

If you stumbled upon this tour by accident, go to  http://booknibbles.com/bloghop/ to start at the beginning. 

Also, don't forget to join us this Saturday, 7 pm EST, at Gem Sivad's chat room for the chance to win even MORE prizes!  Details can be found HERE and HERE.

Today I've decided to entertain you with my own (decidedly different) version of the Twelve Days of Christmas, inspired in part by Frank Kelly's version, which can also be found below.  Mind you, I have nothing against birds, but I think you'll find my "gifts" a bit more fun...

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me a partially clad man in a tree...

I have no idea what he's doing up there, but he sure improves the scenery.

On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me two (excuse the pun) lovey-doves...

and a partially clad man in a tree.

On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me three French men...

(they're from the Olympic fencing team, if you must know, and who doesn't love that?) two lovey-doves and a partially clad man in a tree.

On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me four call girls...uh, I mean birds(wings, see?)...

three French men, two lovey-doves and a partially clad man in a tree (I dunno, maybe he thinks he's Peter Pan?).

On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me five wedding rings...

Heart Glitter Graphics - Glitterlive.com

Heart Glitter Graphics - Glitterlive.com

(and a wish for Marriage Equality for everyone!)

four calling birds, three French men, two lovey doves and a partially clad man in a tree.

On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave up on the geese and substituted goose down comforters and a lot of sexy sleepers laying around in it and also, well, you know, laying. Yeah. it's another pun. sorry about that...

five wedding rings, four calling birds, three French men, two lovey-doves and a partially clad man in a tree.


On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me seven surfing Santas (give or take a dude)...

six sexy sleepers, five wedding rings, four calling birds, three French men two lovey-doves and a partially clad man in a tree.

On the eighth day of Christmas my true love thought about giving me eight maids a milking...

but decided one was enough and instead concentrated on the cowboys she would obviously need to help her with the herd...

(Good choice, don'tcha think?)  seven surfing Santas, six sexy sleepers, five wedding rings, four calling birds, three French men, two lovey-doves and a partially clad man in a tree.

Could be he's up there 'cause he's trying to stay clear of the cows.  Smart man.

On the ninth day of Christmas my true love resorted to You Tube to give me nine pipers piping...

eight helpful farmhands, seven surfing Santas, six sexy sleepers, five wedding rings, four calling birds, three French men, two lovey-doves and a partially clad man in a tree.

On the tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me ten drummers drumming...

nine pipers piping, eight helpful farmhands, seven surfing Santas, six sexy sleepers, five wedding rings, four calling birds, three French men, two lovey doves and a partially clad man in a tree.

On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me eleven lords a leaping (hell, yes, they leap. trust me. just wait for the end)...

 ten drummers drumming, nine pipers piping, eight helpful farmhands, seven surfing Santas, six sexy sleepers, five wedding rings, four calling birds, three French men, two lovey-doves and a partially clad man in a tree.

On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me twelve ladies dancing (and most appropriately, too)...

eleven lords a leaping, ten drummers drumming, nine pipers piping, eight helpful farmhands, seven surfing Santas, six sexy sleepers, five wedding rings, four calling girls (oops. I mean birds!) three French men, two lovey-doves and a partially clad man in a tree.

And, just in case you haven't had enough yet, here's two more versions. First, Frank Kelly with an Irish rendition...

And, finally, this version from Straight No Chaser...


Fedora said...

LOL! PG, I quite enjoyed your version of the 12 Days! Great visuals, how could I resist such a sexy line up!

UteH said...

I loved your version - but I can't stop thinking about the guy in the tree ....

Judy said...

That was very good!!! I am also still wandering about the man in the tree:)

Beth said...

Lovely version of the song.
Great visuals to go with it.

Anonymous said...

I love your version my favorite part were the cowboys. Always can use help with the milking.

Savannah Chase said...

Love this new version of 12 days....So much more fun....

Ashley L said...

Love it! A version that I would enjoy very much. Thanks for that.

Missy Martine said...

Not sure that actually put me in a Christmas frame of mind, but it sure put me in a better mood! Happy Holidays to you and yours.

Missy Martine

Darkreader said...

Totally enjoyed your version!
Cowboys with only hats was my favorite!

Jenn said...

Merry Christmas!!! I too can't stop thinking of the man in the tree. Maybe he needs someone to help him climb down, if so I gladly volunteer.

keizerfire said...

I'll take a bagpiper or a soccer player, or a guy in a tree. Yes, maybe I'm desperate, lol.

Elaine G said...

I enjoyed your version of the 12 days of Christmas.

Happy Holidays!!

RobinV said...

Loved your version...especially the cowboys. Too bad they had their hats!

*yadkny* said...

WOW P.G. you've put a lot of thought into your theme! That was really fun and I love the decor:)


Jolene and Family said...

Love all your "gifts" I think I like your version of the 12 days of Christmas a whole lot better. Those were some yummy pics

sonya said...

awesome 12 days of christmas

JeanMP said...

Loved your version of the 12 Days of Christmas, my favorite was the cowboys and their hats!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!

Elena Gray said...

This was hilarious!! Very creative!

kaisquared said...

Loved the Haka! I think the guy in the tree needs a short kilt and a stiff..... breeze! I love all your versions of the twelve days, the Irish version made my daughter do a spit take!


Sherry said...

I love your version of the song and all of the great pictures that goes with it.


Tamsyn said...

Merry Christmas! and thanks for the very original post! I had fun, especially with the eye candy!

The Scarf Princess said...

I love your lyrics....sweet and sexy at the same time. The photos are especially great and I'm very impressed with your holiday lights.

joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

Bookwyrm369 said...

Thanks for the laughs - very clever and enjoyable 12 Days of Christmas :-)

smaccall @ comcast.net

rougebolo said...

like all the story and photos but the cowboys were cute

Gabrielle Lee said...

Loved your top drummers.

Cathy M said...

Great job on your list, I love it.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

DL Thomas said...

Loved the 12 Days of Christmas! Do you mind if I copy and paste it to send to some friends, with a link to your page of course. I know several that would enjoy it.

Rhymes with foreplay...please don't delay!

Merry Christmas to you and yours! May all your dreams, hopes, wishes, needs and wants come your way for you and yours.

PG Forte said...

Thank you, everyone! Glad you all enjoyed the post. :) And, DL, be my guest!

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ליווי said...

I've decided to entertain you with my own (decidedly different) version of the Twelve Days of Christmas, inspired in part by Frank Kelly's version, which can also be found below.

ליווי said...

Before reading this post, I have never paid attention to the pronunciation of these words.Thanks for the detailed explanation.

Anonymous said...

Very good post, I just enjoyed reading with your blog... Thank you for sharing this


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