
Review, review, review

Was it really just last week that I was wishing for a rave review of Love From A to Z?

Well, I guess this is one of those rare times when 'be careful what you wish for' really doesn't apply because I got just what I'd asked for and from what has to be the most unlikely source: Mrs. Giggles!

Who had this to say about it:

"for the most part, Love, From A To Z is a most enjoyable fairy-tale romance that captures the whole "poor trapped heiress finds love and a grand adventure" fantasy perfectly."

She's also crediting me with performing two amazing feats with my writing. Like what you ask? Well, read the review and find out. Or better yet, read the book!

And that's amazing in a good way, mind you. Me, I'm just amazed altogether. I guess I shouldn't be though. After all, it is one of my favorite of my stories and I must have some taste. Don'tcha think?

Anyway, not content to languish in her big brother's erotic romance shadow, Waiting for the Big One also garnered her share of praise with two reviews.

From Deborah at Blue City Romance: "A dog-walking actress, her gorgeous male friend and a hot new neighbor, all add up to one fun and sexy read from author P.G. Forte."

And from Jai at The Romance Zone who called it, "a fantastic summer read. Chick lit meets erotica at it's finest. P.G. Forte has the ability to write exquisite love scenes."

Thank you all very, very much!


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