I'm having a killer week on this virtual book tour...
First of all, I have a surprise addition, a really cool interview with Sensual Reads:
http://www.sensualreads.net/interviews/pg_forte.shtml where Crystal got me to open up with some lesser known info. about myself--lol! In case anyone was wondering.
My next interview went live on the 16th at Night Owl Romance, http://www.nightowlromance.com/nightowlromance/er/interviewser/pgforte.asp. Tammie really challenged me with the question 'which of your characters would you choose to be?'
Today's post at The Book Connection http://thebookconnectionccm.blogspot.com/2007/10/pg-forte-returns.html.
is a little bit different. And drew this response from blog host Cheryl Malandrino: "Thanks for the great article. Oh, and thanks to Ann Coulter
and you, I now have proof for my family that I am not the most sarcastic woman alive."
Me and Ann Coulter in the same sentence?? That's something I think I can safely promise you'll never see again!
Then, tomorrow, there's my interview at The Inspired Writer http://www.inspiredauthor.com/v3/promotional-interview-pg-forte where I answer the question 'what inspired you to write erotic romance?' And I promise it's not what you'd expect. *WG*
But don't just take my word for it--join me and check it out for yourselves!!
PG Forte
Website: http://www.pgforte.com
Newsgroup: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pgforte
MySpace: http:/www.myspace.com/pgforte